Affidavit to Cure Unsigned Ballots

To run:   Reporting > Vote-By-Mail Reports > Vote-By-Mail Ballot Reports > Affidavit to Cure Unsigned Ballots

Use the Affidavit to Cure Unsigned Ballots report to:

  • Track the number of affidavits that are returned.
  • Compare the list of voters with referred ballots due to a missing or mismatching signature against the physical affidavits to ensure each ballot is properly processed.
  • Benchmark the number of affidavits returned by election to more accurately allocate resources for future elections.
  • Properly report results for Public Records Requests.

The content in the report updates dynamically based on the following settings:

  • Category. Select to include any of the following groups of voters:
    • Signature affidavit not recorded & ballot not reinstated.
    • Signature affidavit not recorded & ballot was reinstated.
    • Signature affidavit was recorded & ballot not reinstated.
    • Signature affidavit was recorded & ballot was reinstated.
    Note: Reinstated ballots, for the purpose of this report, are only those ballots that were recorded as a Canvassing Board Reinstatement. The report does not consider ballot that were reversed using the Mail-Ballot Adjustment dialog. The report also excludes ballots that were reinstated from the Review Returned Ballots dialog.
  • Mailed Date Range. Select the starting and ending dates in which ballots could have been delivered.
  • Signature Cure Affidavit Comm Type. If needed, change the default communication type on which to base the results. This setting is county-wide, affecting all users.

Based on your selected settings, the report indicates the latest affidavit for each voter recorded between the date of referral and the end of the election date, the latest recorded referred ballots due to an issue with the signature, and reinstated ballots. If multiple affidavits and/or ballots are processed for a voter, only the latest of each is included in the report.


Click Export to Excel to create and save a copy of the report.

In the Affidavit Report dialog and/or the exported Excel copy, scroll right through the report content to view additional detail, such as Communication record comments.